Feeling depressed or empty after highschool or give up on my passion

Ever since high school ended…i somehow feel like i’m being isolated…and i’m scared on what my future will be…I don’t know why…apparently my sister got a keyboardist from her band and she even got a bachelor of degree which is my goal to get it…I’m just completely shook…At this point…i feel like i…can’t get it…The more i think about my future…the more i feel hopeless… i’m completely useless…sorry… I’m dealing with self doubt…right now…really having a bad habit on that…i’m too scared, empty and discourage…its slowing down everything i wanted to…

Times of transition and change can be so overwhelming, you’re not alone. Thanks for sharing what you’re experiencing. You are definitely not useless and just because you aren’t sure what your future will be like, you are still valuable and full of potential. I hope that you can see that too! You don’t have to have your life figured out yet. You will do great things, one day at a time.

Firstly, don’t compare yourself to your sister. If we all choose to live in someone’s shadow, we will never reach those goals we are trying to achieve. Secondly, do not be sorry for feeling something very real. On average, people change their careers 5 times. It’s okay. Try your best to do what YOU want. Don’t try to please certain people at the risk of your own life. It’s easier said than done. You need to be your own person. If you want to pursue music, start there. Look at different opportunities to help you achieve that. You are young. You aren’t expected to have your entire life figured out. Spend your life doing what you love. It’s your life, not your sister’s. She will be proud of you regardless. Find what you want and take it one step at a time. Everything will fall into place soon enough.

Hi friend,

It’s okay to be afraid. To be nervous. Or to even be unsure. It’s a huge transition from high school to life outside of it. It can be daunting and overwhelming.

Just remember, take small steps and one day at a time. What are some things in life that make you happy and you want to achieve? What are some small reasonable goals that you can set for yourself that will help you achieve those things?

I know sometimes we have to step outside of our comfort zone to achieve the things we want in life. And that’s always hard. But that’s where therapists can come into play for guidance. Or close friends who can offer encouragement and support while you get through your trials.

It’s okay to feel discouraged. We all go through that sometimes. But try not to beat on yourself too much my friend. You deserve to love and value yourself. You are not useless. Baby steps. But don’t give up hope. Things can get better. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it okay? You don’t have to go through this alone

It’s scary and it’s tough, but you can get through this! Keep your head up and keep on fighting. And along the way you are always welcome to reach out and share here! If you need a little encouragement and support

We are all hurting but we will all work together as we push through our trials.

Hold fast my friend

  • Kitty