Grieving and addiction. He’s gone

We have had to make the choice to take our dog in to be put down. My baby is gone.
This dog has seen me through so much. He is part of the reason I stayed alive as long as I have.
I’ve never had to deal with grief before. I’ve never experienced it. I’m only 10 months into my recovery and having to face it for the first time ever. I don’t know how to do this clean. I don’t know how I’m supposed to wake up and go on knowing there’s a part of my family missing.
Work won’t let me take tomorrow off to grieve with my family. I know you can’t tell me what to do. I know you can’t dictate how I deal with loss. But any advice on handling extreme emotion would be appreciated and how to cope with the work situation… all I can think about is wanting to be high. That’s the only way I know how to cope with feelings this intense.

If you’re the praying type… Please pray for me and my family.


Hey kayla,

I’m so sorry to hear about losing your dog. Losing a pet is really like losing a family member. Especially when that pet helps you through so much it can be really difficult to get through. Last year I had to put down my best friend, Elphie who was a sweet dog. She used to sit on my feet when I was having panic attacks. She wasn’t trained she just knew I was not in a good place and she would sit with me. So when I lost her I was devistated that I wouldn’t have her and because it felt like my little emotional supporter was gone. But what I realized is that Elphie would never have wanted to see me give into my anxiety just as i’m sure your pup wouldn’t have wanted to see you not be able to play with them because of a bad relapse. My suggestion is to let yourself feel this pain. It hurts and it is terrible to go through, but it is necessary. Life is full of pain and if we continue to numb it away we will never find the strength to face those really dark times.

A couple things that I did when dealing with that loss and pain was putting my mind into creating something. I would paint or play music to get my hands busy doing something instead of doing something I’d regret. Again, i’m so sorry you lost your best friend, Kayla. I’ll be praying for you.

I am very sorry for the loss of your dog. I know how that is I had a pet duck I loved very much and unfortunately I couldn’t bring it with me because I had to move so many times. Our animals can be our friends and even family and it hurts to lose someone you care about. I wish you peace and comfort in your time of mourning.
