Hard to handle it anymore

Everytime I try to say something I get shut down . I’m sick of ppl using me all the time. I did nothing to get this hate from ppl . All I think bout is why do I have to deal with this . And I just can’t all I want to do is lay in bed and never get out again . I just can’t handle all this anxity and stress I’m freaking out … My Friend told me bout this Heartsupport so I told him I’d give it a try … Bc he can’t be there all the time … But I wish he could … Then maybe I wouldn’t feel so alone in this world…

Hey @Xavier,

Thanks for reaching out, friend. Anxiety and stress LOVE to try to make us think that we are alone, because anxiety and stress are jerks. But you aren’t alone. A lot of people here struggle with these things, myself included, otherwise a community like this would not exist.

I’m proud of you for coming here and reaching out. That takes guts, and is a step in the right direction. Try to keep your head up. Come back, keep talking to us. We care and are listening. Your thoughts are valid, and you matter.

Sending love.

<3 AnitaBandaid

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Hey @Xavier,

I’m really glad you found Heartsupport.
We value you so much and want to see you find hope.
Keep pushing through.
I feel you on staying in bed all day. Try and make some goals, even if it’s just to make your bed, try and accomplish something everyday.
You can do this!

Hold Fast,

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Hi ,

I hear ya on the feeling of people taking advantage of you. I’m still dealing with that feeling all the time. As much as it is hard to do the best advice is to start saying no. I know it sounds hard but it’s for the best. my doctor told me if you keep giving you will eventually run out of anything to give. you always gotta keep that in mind. I wish you all the best.

sending positive vibes



Hey @Xavier,

You’re 100% correct. No one deserves hate. Everyone deserves love. I’m so sorry to hear about the rough season you’re going through. Anxiety strives to whisper lies into your mind, but you need to combat that with truths. You’re valuable and we care about you. It WILL get better, I promise! Keep fighting. You’re a warrior and we believe in you.


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I have days myself where I can’t get out of bed. Including today. I can’t have the people I know be here all the time when I wish they could, some make excuses. I do feel alone in this world also and I’m almost 30. I hope the struggles you and everyone are going through will get better. Even if it’s one step at a time.