Help..I'm really scared

I’m so scared and anxious. I don’t know what to do. Today, my friends invited me to go trick or treating with them so I told my boyfriend who’s been staying with me that I’d like to go and he can come too. He didn’t want me to and sent me angry texts swearing at me, calling my friends names, and making me feel awful for wanting to go. He threatened to hurt himself and made me come back to see him. I called my mom and she picked him up before my friend dropped me off at home. At first, he told me to get away from him so I went upstairs. He told me to come down soon after saying he wanted to tell me something. I did and he said all of this stuff like he’s sorry he’s not worth coming back for and that I only came back because my mom or something, as if I don’t care about him. I finally lost it and yelled, something I never do. I don’t ever say mean things… it took so much out of me to say this but I was just so hurt by his accusations. I told him that all he does is hurt me, and I told him fuck you. That was the last thing I yelled before storming upstairs. He screamed and threw scissors after I left, and ran outside screaming and freaking out. My mom called the cops, and I had to talk to them for a few hours. I’m scared as fuck. They left, and I’m alone in my room. My mom said she doesn’t want him back for a few days, he lives very far away and moved her with us and has no place to go back to permanately unless my mom lets him stay with us. He’s staying with a friend for a few days right now, and doesn’t have a way to contact me. My anxiety is killing me, I’m so scared. He texted me before his phone died, (the charger doesn’t work) and acted like this is the last time we’re ever going to talk and like it’s the end of everything. My heart feels like it’s breaking… I don’t know what to do or how to calm down or fix it. I don’t know how to look on the bright side, he is my bright side. I’m so terrified, I just want things to be fucking better. I feel so shattered.

This is not a healthy situation for you. The way he is treating you is unacceptable and you deserve better. Look into the types of toxic relationships and see the parallels you can draw with your current one. Do something to occupy your mine to reduce your anxiety and mental energy. You need to worry about yourself and him treating you poorly because you want to see your friends is not okay. Your significant other does not own you

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I used to have a friend like this. CUT THEM OUT NOW, it will only get worse if you keep them around. Keep your phone on full charge, dont walk alone, and remember we stand with you

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Hi friend,
you deserve a man who will treat you with the upmost respect. It seems like the way he has been treating you hasn’t been so respectful. Right now, just take a deep breath. Everything will be ok. If he ends up going a different way, it’s for the better. I know it hurts right now, but NO guy should ever make you feel that way. There is something better coming. Things will get better, it may not be right away but they will. Everything will be ok friend. God’s got you. I’m praying for you tonight friend.


Thank you very much…


Thank you. I will try

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Hey Pika.

Right now I am standing up and giving you an applause. I know it’s massively scary to break your silence, but you have to stand up for yourself. You have a right to vent your feelings, you have a right to have fun. It sounds like that you both (just being honest) have issues, but you cannot shoulder his issues next to your own.
You both need help, and quite honestly, from what you wrote I feel that you are in quite a toxic relationship where you both are clinging to each other out of desperation, and not out of love. Because if you love someone you don’t scream and yell, and you don’t throw scissors. If you love someone you sit down and talk, discuss things, and at times are willing to give in as long as giving in is done equally. Respecting and being respected is a big part of love, almost as big as trusting each other, and I don’t hear either of those.

So go talk to someone, possibly a professional, a counsellor, a therapist, or just someone you trust.

And as I understand you both live in your mom’s house I believe she has the final say in if he gets to stay, so you and her have to talk and be honest with each other. Maybe you can both go talk to that trust person, because it involves her as well.

I know this is scary, but you’re on the right path. When you start to speak up and defend yourself, life will get ‘fucking’ better. But for now, rest. Sleep, drink water, eat. The fight is not over, but you made a big step,

and if it’s worth anything: a random stranger who took the time to write to you is proud of you.

Martin / ThatOldDutchGuy

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Thank you very much for responding. I’m worried because I don’t have a trusted therapist or anyone like that I could talk to, however I’m trying to talk to my mom about it.

You are an amazing human being Pika. Never forget that. And you might not know a trusted person now, but if you try a few people with the question ‘Hey, I have a problem, can you listen for a while?’ you’ll find some will not make time while others will sit down and listen, simply because you asked, and then you WILL have a trusted person. :slight_smile:

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I hope so. And you’re amazing too!

This website is amazing. I am just here to help. :slight_smile:
And thank you. I am not good with compliments. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Haha me too, and yeah it is!

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