I don't see the point in moving on

I can’t seem to find meaning for myself anymore
I’ve never been in a relationship, I dropped out of school because I didn’t like my program and I don’t know what I want to do in life.

I work full-time as a labourer, the money is ok but I don’t really care about that.

I’m 24 years old and i feel like i don’t have any social integrity. I try to meet people and ask them to hang out but nothing happens

At this point I feel like just killing myself.

People always look at my fault at not having a gf. And I’m sick of it, I don’t want to be in a world where people create that distinction.

Just because people say it’s your fault you don’t have a gf doesn’t mean they’re right. Don’t let their lies dim your flame. Love is hard, and it’s not easy for everyone as it may seem. There are meeting places and dating websites you can meet someone, and if you don’t want that, just wait. You’ll find someone one day, you will. And I’m sure you’ll create heaven for that person.
You’ll be okay. This rut you’re stuck in won’t last forever. Dig your teeth in and hold on. Don’t let other people’s lies in, they don’t know you. You’re a fighter. You don’t need a gf or anyone to find happiness, just yourself.
I believe in you.

Never Give in - BVB

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Hey, friend.

I’m sorry that you are having such a hard time right now. Sounds like you have quite a bit bothering you, quite understandably.

Not having a relationship to turn to can definitely be lonely and feel like you’re not good enough, but remember that, just because the right person hasn’t come around yet, doesn’t mean you aren’t important and valued. I know it’s easy to probably feel that way, but know that it isn’t true. Not in the slightest.

I know that working in something that you don’t have a lot of passion for can be a drag, and it’s a shame that it’s something we have to do to get bills done. But I hope that you are able to find something that gives you peace and release between work. It’s always healthy to have a little ME time and time to just kick back.

And I’m sorry that things in your social life are not going as well as you’d like right now. That’s a lot of things all piled up that can feel really overwhelming when it’s all going on at once.

But I hope that you will find some strength inside of yourself to keep going. Because I don’t want to see anything happen to you. I definitely have had a lot of times in my life where I felt like giving up. There has been a lot of times where it felt like there was just no relief of the things that I felt. No light at the end of the tunnel.

It’s not your fault that you don’t have girlfriend. The people that tell you this and make you feel this way are not the kind of people you want to surround yourself with. Maybe a good filter in your friends list may help. Keeping only those who support you and bring you up. I have had to do this many times. Even if it left me with very few people. To me, a few good friends is better than a lot of really bad friends.

Keep heart my friend. And keep strong. Because you are so important. Find something that you can do that feels good. Music. Something creative. Walking. A project that you can spend some positive energy on. Is there anything that you enjoy doing that may help you relieve some of this inner hurt? For me, art is a huge way to channel that out in a healthy way. It really makes a difference.

I care for you my friend. Please be gentle with yourself and Hold fast. Sending you a lot of love.