I feel depressed but don't know if I am

I’ve lost my appetite, concentration and will to even do anything really

The way to best describe this is I’m afraid of abandonment by all of my friends because of the fact that no one likes to text me back so I assume the worst and think they hate me so I should just give up.

I’ve been so tired I sleep 8 hours at night and wake up still tired and throughout the day I sleep nearly all day or when I can because of school. I sleep on the bus to and from school and it’s still not enough, I haven’t felt myself for awhile. I feel empty all the time, like the most ugliest person and my paranoia had died down a little but it’s like I don’t even function well enough to even worry I don’t feel stable but yet I do

I don’t like to burden people with my problems but I feel like I need some help?

Hey @stress - I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t felt like yourself lately! It’s out of my jurisdiction to diagnose people, but it definitely sounds like you might have something going on.

This sounds like anxiety. When you’re anxious, you might experience the following symptoms:

  • Tightness in the head or chest
  • Lightheadedness/dizziness
  • Nausea/loss of appetite
  • Feeling on-edge; fidgeting
  • Trouble sleeping/always tired
  • Racing thoughts

It sounds like depression might also be playing a factor. If you’re getting adequate sleep at night and still feel exhausted during the day, it could be your brain trying to overcompensate a sudden chemical displacement. Anxiety also makes your brain really, really tired. Being stressed all day is like overheating your computer and the fan beginning to run in an attempt to cool down the machine. All-in-all, I would highly recommend seeking out a psychologist/counselor and psychiatrist in the area. They can definitely help you through what you’re experience. Thanks for reaching out!

Hold fast.

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Thank you Eric, I appreciate you and I’ll try to get a psychiatrist as soon as possible but its not a possibility as of right now. I have a great team of counselors at my school and I will go from there.

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