I feel like I’m on the edge

I feel like in the past 5 months, I’ve been on the edge of a cliff. I mean hell, I felt like driving off one today. My epilepsy medications are depressants and I’ve even told my neurologist of my suicidal thoughts, but they say it’s normal and brush it off. I barely keep going, but at least I’m eating again. Sometimes I feel like this is the end though and that there really can’t be much left of my life left to live.

Music has helped me the most through all of this medication change. The memory loss, anger issues, depression, and mood swings caused by these awful pills have just been unbearable. Being able to crank up some music and scream has always helped though. This is my first time writing, I hope it helps me. Maybe someone else out there has a similar issue. If so, you’re not alone.

Sometimes I feel the same. Could have the best day and then all of sudden want to kill myself. I get it. Music is the best medicine.