I'm really not sure

Okay so I don’t know if this is bad or not but I have been in a constant anxiety attack for three full days now and I don’t know why or what I should do. I want to break down and cry but I don’t know how to do that. I’m at work and have no clue what to do. Any advice? Am I going to die? Like is that even possible to die from an anxiety attack?


If it gets too bad. See if you can take the rest of the day off, or maybe take a day or two to recoup. Maybe reach out to a loved one, a hotline or a therapist where you can talk about what you are going through and find some guidance and help to get through it.
I know when you have to work it can be really hard. Have you tried meditating when you get home? I have a few mind calming things that I use when anxiety is high.

Some things that may help that I’ve used.

Meditative & Mind Calming sounds

Some laid back music playlists:

I hope this helps.

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