I'm such an idiot

I met a girl a while ago. Smart, beautiful, hilarious, and somehow said she thinks I’m “cute”. Or…does she? We started as really great friends, chatting on skype calls spanning up to six hours every day for a while. I did something stupid. I didn’t mean to of course but that doesn’t matter. I fell in love with her, and soon after she told me she constantly thought about me. I saw it as a sign that I should go for it, and so I confessed my love. I told her I loved her, and she said she felt the same way. I was so happy for a day or two until I told her I loved her early this morning. She realized I didn’t mean as a friend and she told me very politely that she wasn’t ready for another relationship, which I understood because she broke up with her boyfriend not too long ago. It still broke my heart. I did the pathetic thing of laying in bed until five pm crying. I pretended to be over it whem I told her I’d like to move on and stay friends but the truth is I’m not over it. After we talked for a while she said she was leading me on because she can’t stand making people feel bad. Neither can I but that would mean it was all a lie. For a while she acted like she loved me back. The one thing that made me happy was a fucking lie. Of course I still love her but that doesn’t matter. Nothing matters anymore but her. But this situation that I got her into has left her crying and feeling so bad. I want to comfort her but she won’t let me. I’m so worried, I really love this girl and hope we can be together in the future but I doubt it.

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Hi friend. That’s really hard and I’m so sorry.

It’s so important to be honest with our feelings. I know it can be scary to admit to someone that you don’t share the same feelings, but it’s so much more hurtful to be lead to believe something that isn’t true.

I’m so sorry that you were put through that.

I know that friendship may be hard now when feelings are so strong. It may be a good thing to just step back a little, clear your head and process everything. Give yourself some time to heal and refocus. If you don’t, it’s possible that you may get stuck in dwelling in your emotions and hurt since you care so much. It’s hard to come out of that.

Do what is best for you. Whatever will help You most at this time. Be gentle with yourself

So much love you

  • Kitty

Don’t be hard on yourself. Let me give you my advice on internet dating, it can be dangerous and you don’t know who you’re dealing with. Many girls online are scammers or opportunists that put themselves out there so they can scam guys out of their money and in many cases out of the country.

I’ve seen it with many people even myself, I met my fiancee 14 years we were very close friends and I didn’t meet her officially until 2012 and we got engaged in 2013 however when I went through a situation with someone else that’s when our relationship was tested and it ended sadly. My point is if you’re going to date meet the person first, get to know them for a while and see what their background is before you get into a serious relationship. That;s my advice for you.

Many Blessings

You did nothing wrong. What you feel is very normal and real. She is in the wrong for leading you on and pretending. You have a right to be hurt. It doesn’t seem like it now, but you will move on. I think you should give yourself at least a month away from her to clear your mind and grieve. This is a no. Each no leads you closer to that yes. If she is willing to take your feelings as something not important and confuse you, then she is not worth it. You are blinded by love right now. Take a step back. It’s okay. You just need to feel this right now. Cry, scream, take it out in a creative outlet, talk to someone, do anything you need to do to feel like yourself. Your real self. You lived without her in your life before. You can do it again if even for a month.