In a bad place today

I’ve been thinking about my dad a lot today, it’ll be 7 years since he passed away this year. So basically I’ve been crying off and on all morning. People say these things get better with time, and it does in the way that I’m able to find happiness despite him not being here, but they don’t ever talk about the grief that’s still in your heart. That part of your heart that you gave them that you will never get back because they aren’t alive to do so. No matter how much love and happiness I find in life I don’t think I’ll ever be 100% happy again, and I guess that’s just how it has to be to get through it all.

I lost my grandfather who raised me all my life I lost him in 2005 I used to say why God why did you take him from me but I heard my bishop say something the other day he said to a lady God didn’t take him he recieved him and when I heard that I said Grandpa I will live everyday of this life to be 100% for you because you gave me all of you I pray that God gives continues to give you hope and love and holds you when u feel less of 100 % I don’t know you but I care and I’m here if you ever need to talk my ear will listen


I lost my grandmother 3 years ago, my grandfather in 2007, I still grieve. And that’s okay. Just take it slow, just try your best. I believe in you. It’s ok to still need to grieve.

You are loved.


Thank you as I am here for u too


When it comes to grief, the pain of the loss will never really go away…we just get used to it after a while.