Life is getting in the way

So its been a min. But my anxiety is getting to me really bad. I don’t know why either. And I can feel my depression surrounding me. I feel like the people I want in my life don’t want me in theirs. It would seem to me that I’m not wanted or loved by anyone in my direct life. And I know most of you here will tell me I’m loved but its not the same as people who are around in person. I just want to know that my existence isn’t an inconvenience to someone around me but I guess that’s to much to ask anymore. Is it to much to ask in this life to be happy? I’m sorry to everyone who reads this. I’m sorry for needing to vent and I’m sorry for existing. I’m sorry for feeling, please ignore me. Everyone else does so it won’t matter

Hi friend. I get how you feel. I just want you to know that you’re not alone. You don’t deserve pain,you don’t deserve to be sad. You deserve to be happy and to feel loved.
You exist for a reason, I promise. You are here for a good reason. Maybe you haven’t found that reason yet, but I can promise you that you won’t feel this way forever. You will wake up one day and you’ll feel good. I promise. But you have to keep fighting. I know you might be tired of hearing that, but it’s so true. You have to fight. You deserve to win this battle, friend. We all are here for you.
Stay strong

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@nicole_kaley its not so much that I’m tired of hearing it. I’m just tired. I’m tired of being tired. I’m sorry

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If there is one thing I’ve ever read that I relate to on so many levels, it’s the “tired of being tired”. I get that down to a spiritual level. Don’t be sorry for venting, that’s what we’re here for. And I’d say, don’t be sorry for existing. I know what it’s like, to be in that place where you feel like you’re alone, even when the people who love us are around us. It feels like a void. I’m not going to sit here and claim that I’ve got great advice, because I don’t. It’s something that I, too, am still working through. What I am going to do is implore you to not give up, though. I know, it’s much easier said than done. But we are here for you, even if it isn’t in person.

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Don’t be sorry friend. I understand. I love you friend

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