My family makes me feel like my problems aren't real

Anytime I try to talk about my problems I get told I’m over emotional or over reacting. It makes me feel like such a burden for having problems. I really just dont know what to do anymore.

Im sorry for what your going through. It sounds like their calling you a drama queen. I’ve experienced the same things. Do you have anxiety?

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Hey there friend!! I know the feeling of being called too sensitive and emotional. I have struggled with anxiety for years. I sometimes do feel like overreact bc of this but it can get better. Therapy really helps me recognize things in my daily life. And it gives me someone to talk to so i dont have to feel like im a burden to my family. Which i am sure you aren’t just like im not but it takes the pressure off. I am here for you.


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Yep I have depression and anxiety

Are you taking anything for it?

I used to but my birth control was counteracting with it so I had to go off all my meds and so I’m waiting for my psychiatrist to prescribe me new meds

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Well then I would say that you are probably going to have to wait things out a bit until then. Things are going to bother you a lot more than normal right now and your family needs to realize that and be more accommodating. I would talk to them and explain that until you are able to get your meds figured out, you might appear a bit over the top because you can’t help it. I would tell them you are sorry in advance but you can’t help how you feel right now. If they still can’t understand that then your family is just being toxic to your health and well being. It’s hard for them to understand what’s going on in your head and your brain is also making things difficult for you. I have gone through swings like that while on my meds because my dose wasn’t high enough, its just as hard on them as it is on you because they care about you. P

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