My mum blames my music for how I feel

Hey I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem. So in the past when I have reached out to people about my self harm and emotions, my mum just blamed it on the music that I listen to (metal). I feel like she doesn’t understand and try’s to blame it on something rather than taking on board what I’m saying. I feel like she would rather avoid the problem. Anyone else?


Yes. My stepmpther is the same way. It is either something I am doing or not doing enough of. (MY stepmother is religiious)

Do you think that your music affects your emotions? If not then if you can retort her do it. If you explain to her that your music reflects your feelings and doesn’t infuence them. That it makes you feel better than maybe she’ll listen. If you can explain how the lyrics or the instrumentals mean and how they help you than maybe she’ll see how music helps you.

I listen to various music including metal. I listen to music when I am angry or upset and I need to release and sometimes confirm what I feel. I find that music does that. (When it is metal it is my mood about my environment and circumstance in my life. When I listen to pop I am feeling giddy & silly. When I listen to rap I’m in a good mood & feeling positive. When I listen to Rock or any music genre similar to metal that isn’t metal I am getting hyped up. When I listen to country, blues, jazz or classical I am feeling pretty chill.)

So keep listening to whatever you want. (Myself I would learn what the lyrics mean by looking into what the Artists says that it is or what the song is about. A lot of songs sound tame yet actually are very taboo. Understanding how the song is created and its purpose will make it easier to understand your favorite band and how the music resonates with you.)

Hang in there.

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I’m sorry that your mother is blaming the music you love. Your story is something I recognize for a long time. I grow up in a Conservative Evangelical Christian environment. I wasn’t allowed to listen to “secular” music (which I did), and I got into trouble for it. The churches I gone to preach against it. It did bothered me. The music I was listening was something I resonated with. I couldn’t resonate with Christian music because it didn’t have anything to do with my struggles until I discovered Christian Rock and Metal. That’s another story I can tell next time. There is nothing wrong with listening to music that matches your feelings and what you are going through. It gives you comfort. It reminds you that you are not alone. This community is here to lift you up. That is what you need. I hope you will feel better, thank you for sharing, and I encourage you to love yourself.

Yeah my mom did that too when she didn’t understand that the music I listen to actually saves me. Try to explain this to her, if this doesn’t work try and reach out to a therapist or counselor of some sort.