No longer happy

I am 25 this year and I’m honestly hating myself more everyday.

I know self love is very important. I do pamper myself but I am no longer happy.

I used to be pretty and have many guys courting me.

Right now, I am single and have gained weight, started to have more acne scars on my face and even dropping more hair.

I felt like a worthless person that does not deserve any love from others since I cannot even love myself.

I have been trying to lose weight, doing treatments for my face but it is very costly and taking supplements for my hair loss…

but to be honest, it’s not easy… I kept losing control of my diet.

I felt like my life is meaningless, why did I became like this?

There is nothing right in my life. I do not have a pretty figure, I do not have a clear face and I am so afraid of balding.

I know there is more to life than this, but this low esteem and low confidence is killing me. My ex cheated on me previously also affects me mentally.

I do not know how long I can hold on to my life anymore.

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hey friend, i went through this and it’s definitely the worst thing ever.

(un)fortunately, treatments won’t help since the cause is deeper than you might think. i used to lose hair and weight and ended up weighing 35kg (which is not good for a guy 1.80m tall). depression was taking the best of me and i couldn’t see a way out. i used to have lots of girls but when the most important cheated on me i felt lost.

i won’t say that appearance isn’t important because it is (for me indeed) but self-love and self-esteem is way more essential. i believe that any kind of treatment won’t help you unless you learn how to love yourself. weight can be lost, hair can grow back, and skin can become perfect once again. however, you have to realise you’re pretty on the inside. once you start to feel proud about yourself, the rest will be good.

how? this is something i can’t tell you. everybody is different and it’s a long process you have to go through by yourself unfortunately. just keep going, it’ll be fine

love you

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Hello Darkness!

As a fellow 25 year old I can totally relate to a lot of what you are saying. My hair is thinning, I can’t lose weight as fast as I used to, my acne leaves awful scars behind. It really sucks. But I’ve been on my own journey of self love as well. The thing I want to challenge you to do is not trying to force yourself to love yourself. I think that eventually it will come and for right now if you try to force it and then you still can’t find that self love, you might be even more frustrated with yourself! And that is not good. Take a deep breath and remind yourself of the things you do. So…for example instead of saying “I’m beautiful no matter what!” (Which you are fyi). Start off by saying “this body allows me to pet cute animals” or “my body laughs at funny jokes!” Little things like that. I believe that reminding yourself of those little things will help you remember that you are powerful, beautiful and worthy no matter what. You have hair loss, but you also wake up in the morning and smell delicious smells! You have acne issues, but you also can read cool books! Self love is about making the small choices every day to do what is best for yourself. It isn’t always baths or lighting candles. Sometimes it’s eating a healthy meal or doing laundry or stepping away from the mirror because you know if you look too long at your perceived imperfections you will get upset (I do that). Self love is realizing that you deserve better than your ex. Self love is knowing that your life still has worth.


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