Not Good Enough

I can’t be enough…
I trust them with my life but they don’t seem to trust me.
Let me be clearer, I’m in a relationship (6 months now) and they are bloody wonderful. I love my partner an incredibly ridiculous amount and I trust them with my life but I don’t feel like they trust me. I’m starting to feel like a burden. Every time I go through something or am feeling sad I tell them but it doesn’t go the other way around. They don’t trust me with their feelings or situations and I don’t know particularly what to do… I’m afraid they’re hiding something bigger, another relationship? Love for another person? I can’t handle them hurting me I’m not strong enough to handle another broken heart at the moment. I just want them to trust me and realize it hurts me that they don’t. That they tell the world in secret but never tells me. I feel useless and powerless here knowing I can’t be there for them like they are here for me… I just throw all my burdens onto them (even though she says they’re not burdens for her) but she doesn’t do the same!!!

How do I stop feeling this useless??

Hi friend,
I love you so much. You don’t deserve to feel like you aren’t enough. You ARE enough. You are worthy, you are useful, you are beautiful, smart, and capable of amazing things. Thank you for sharing this with us and being so vulnerable.

I see why this could be frustrating. You want them to open up to you and share their feelings and when they don’t, you feel like you’re not good enough to open up to and that really bothers you.
Have they specifically said or indicated that they don’t trust you with their feelings and situations? Have you guys talked about this situation and explained to them how you feel? Is there something you guys could work on to make them more comfortable with opening up to you?
Maybe they’re going through something that they want to tell you about but aren’t ready. Maybe it’s not that they don’t trust you, but want to work through this by themselves first.
I wouldn’t jump to conclusions like saying they have love for another person. I would try talking to them about how you feel and how this is affecting you. Maybe both of you will get clarity from sitting down and having a deep conversation about what’s goin on. Maybe they don’t want to bother you with what they’re going through and would rather tell someone else then make you worry about them, Lots to consider and talk about!
I would just continue to be there for them. I can tell you have a big heart and have lots of love for this person, so just continue to be there for them.
Love you friend. Stay strong

Have you spoken to your partner about these feelings? Maybe they’re not sharing certain things with you because they, too, feel like they would be like a burden and they don’t want to make any of your current issues more difficult. A lot of the time, our insecurities come from unspoken expectations that we just believe people will meet naturally, so sometimes it can help to be really clear about what we need from people.

You’re fantastic and worthy of love and any issues you have are just a part of who you are, but that doesn’t make you any less valuable. You are so loved.