Nothing matters

I’m realizing that nothing matters. Life’s a pile of shit that produces nothing good. I can’t tell you the last time I was happy… maybe it’s never happened before. I’m mentally sick, I just wanna die and I’m surrounded by constant negativity. Nothing in this life matters because good doesn’t exist.


Dear @jmatt0659
Life does matter. Your life matters. I know it seems rough, but there’s an end to every storm. Keep your head up, take time to take care of yourself. Find a hobby that brings you joy, it doesn’t even have to be anything major, I personally find baking bread to be relaxing. Many of us have been in that rut. I want you to know that it’s possible to get out. :slight_smile:


I’ve been there several times before. Life so often seems pointless; we go about our business, and then meet our ends regardless of what we do. But that feeling of meaninglessness is a lie. Our lives do have a meaning, as does your life in particular, whether you are aware of it or not. I’ve personally come to find my purpose in God, but many people have found purpose in improving the lives of others, trying to change the world around them, or finding their passions.

There is hope. If you’re anything like I was, I wanted to be better even when I didn’t think I ever would. That desire is real and shouldn’t be discounted. There is good in that, and holding on to the ideal of wanting to get better can help to make it a reality. There is good in store for your life; not seeing or understanding it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


Hey @jmatt0659,

I disagree. Although we all go through periods of immense darkness, life is still of-value. Your life is precious. What do you define as “good”?

“If you aren’t making someone else’s life better, then you’re wasting your time.” - Will Smith

I find value and purpose in helping other people. It’s the bane of my existence. When I feel like nothing else matters, at least I can say that I helped someone at the end of the day. I’ve seen your posts around HeartSupport helping other people. Every post you make is important, and every post you make helps someone. Be proud of yourself. We love you and we’re rooting for you.


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@jmatt0659, if it hurts, then it matters.
I hurt when I hear you. You matter. Life is confusing, and it matters more than you think. The fact that you’re here and talking to us is a good thing.
This won’t last forever.
Stay strong, and never give up.
We’re here for you.


Actually… Good does exist… It allows a strong person like you to realize right from wrong. You seem to be struggling with knowing what’s right, yet the dark forces try to tell you differently… Always know that your own personal beliefs is right… the demons are not!!! -Kara

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