So I guess even here no one cares about me thanks for nothing

So I don’t know if my suffering isn’t good enough for people on here or what thanks for nothing


Hi friend. I’m sorry you didn’t get responses too quickly. It doesn’t mean people don’t care. As you can see so many people are struggling and we want to be able to give you the best support we can by being in a good place ourselves. You are valued here.

Hold Fast

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It doesn’t matter I don’t matter

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That’s not true. You do matter. I think you’d benefit from joining our discord or coming to our live streams on Twitch… Integrate into the community and find some support there too in real time. You’re worth that… Whether you believe it or not, this community does.

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Hey Jax,

Sucks to feel unseen man. Sucks to feel like you bear your soul and don’t receive the attention and care that you anticipated. Sucks to feel like it’s really scary to open up and then you get wounded again. Makes you feel like you never want to open up again, and it makes you want to lash out because dealing with the anger is easier than dealing with the sadness. It sucks to feel invisible and insignificant, to feel stuck and hopeless, to feel worthless and alone. No one wants to feel that way and no one wants to feel like when they finally open up about those things they’re just screaming into a tunnel where no one is on the other side to shout back. You’re just hearing the echoes of your own voice, feeling completely worthless. Really sucks bro.

I remember feeling in a similar spot myself. I’d sit in the middle of the night after turning off my computer and just scroll through my address book and say to myself, “Not a single fucking person on here gives a shit about me.” And I remember the hollow feeling I had when I walked upstairs to face my emptiness and my loneliness and my hollowness and self-hatred alone…I hated those thoughts, I was afraid to go upstairs to face the feelings I had been avoiding all day through video games and porn. I’d put on a radio station and try to go to sleep as fast as possible so I could wake up the next day and start running away from my pain as fast as I could. I started sucking at soccer and school and just watched my life slowly drain away. Eventually I just wanted to end my life because I felt like nothing was ever going to change, and I hated the way things were.

You’re not alone in any of those feelings man. Your worth also isn’t defined by those feelings. Whether or not you feel like your life is a success or like you’re ahead or behind doesn’t change the fact that you matter. Even at your worst or your lowest. I see you in this spot man, and I’ve seen myself there too. You matter, regardless of the circumstances. You are stronger than you know, and you are loved more than you can imagine. Thanks for being persistent enough to post here and get your feelings out.



I’m not good with stuff like that I will just get drowned out by everyone else

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What am I supposed to do

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You’ve done a great start by posting here. What do you feel like would be a good next step? (PS – I’m logging off now, so I won’t be replying for a bit. When I’m online next, I’ll check back and reply then. Thanks again for posting, man.)

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I don’t know I haven’t known for the past 9 to 10 years

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You matter! Your feelings matter! Remember, sometimes people might not know the right thing to say or fear saying the wrong thing. It doesnt mean they don’t care. I hope you find the support you need and I am definitely here to help in any way I can. Much love to you my friend! :black_heart:

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How can anyone help me I can’t even help myself

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Lean on us! You don’t need to do it alone. Life can be scary and cruel but there are also beautiful moments. Think about a time or an event (even just 1) where you were you happy. Focus on that. Remember, had you given up you wouldn’t have had that moment. I know it’s easier said than done, trust me, I had a bad night last night but I made it through one more day! Don’t end the story yet!

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Well that’s the thing I said in my first post I want to die but I’m too scared to kill myself

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I completely understand that feeling. Are you religious at all? I know religion isnt for everyone and there are so many different beliefs out there, but I have found that prayer helps me. When I’m feeling completely hopeless and alone and am laying in my bed crying I ask God to wrap his arms around me and comfort me. To help heal my pain and calm my worries. My heart aches for you. I wish I could get in my car and drive to you to give you hug. Please please please don’t give in!

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I want to believe but there’s been so many nights where I’ve asked to help to take the pain away just give me a sign that he’s their but I got nothing

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Hi Jax, I know how that feels when you call out to God and you get no response. It makes you feel very small. However, it is not a reason to give up. If you believe in God you might believe in Satan too. He wants to ruin your life. Satan wants to take your peace and joy. Don’t give him the satisfaction. I know that can sound very preachy and that’s not what I mean by it. I mean to give hope. God has not forgotten you, He hears every time you cry out to Him. I pray that God reveals himself to you. I pray for your belief in Him. I urge you to hang on and continue to reach out to people. You are not alone!

-Mama Cass

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Sometimes it’s hard to have faith especially when you’re at a low point and feel like there’s no hope. You are not alone though. There are hundreds, even thousands of people who are having the same feelings and we need to come together to support one another. Remember, there are plenty of good people who care, just open your heart to them. One moment, one day at a time. For me, I find things I’m really passionate about (music and sports) and I buy tickets to a show that I wanna see or a hockey game, or maybe I’m excited about a new movie coming out and I write these things down on my calendar so i have a visual of the upcoming events that I’m so excited about. It gives me something to look forward to! Something that makes me happy!

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I don’t have a driver’s license so I can’t just go out and do things I’m a pathetic shut in

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You don’t have to stay a shut in. There is always room for change. Even though it’s hard.

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How I’ve been like since I was 15 and I’m 25 now

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