Things are rough

I’m not sure what to do anymore, I’m coming here because I feel like I have no options anymore. talking to people just doesn’t help anymore, I feel utterly alone in all I do. I can only bottle things up because talking about it doesn’t help anymore. I feel like maybe I’m too far gone or something. people always say you’re supposed to talk about how you feel to get things off your chest. But talking gives no relief anymore. I just hold everything in because that’s all I have left. Life feels so heavy, my body feels so heavy. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Move on. Now when I say move on I mean from expectations. Everytime expectations aren’t met only helplessness remains. Accept you for who you are. Accept your circumstances. Don’t expect anything and move on. Be strong and live as who you are. Like yourself and do things that you want to do. Whether things are as what you desire or are not. Be consistent and just continue.

Hope is not given. Hope is created. Action speaks more volumes than words ever will. Don’t let people or circumstances control you or determine your mindset. No matter how powerless you feel or how much painful this life is.

Be strong. Go through the struggles. I will cheer you on.

Thank you so much for reaching out friend. You are welcomed here. I know that feeling of heaviness. It hurts so much. Please hold on. You are worth so much.

Everyone’s responses feel completely empty, I can’t believe any of it.

I’m sorry to hear that you feel that way. I understand that it can be very frustrating when you’ve been struggling for a long time and don’t notice much improvement. Keep in mind that change takes time, as frustrating as that can sometimes be. It is possible to make some changes to be happier but that doesn’t happen overnight and sometimes you need to try a few different things before you notice significant improvement. If you haven’t already I would also recommend looking for some professional help. I have not had a chance to try this myself yet but I figure if somebody spends so much time in school they must have learned something that can help them to help you. Please don’t give up on trying to get better, I know it can feel hopeless sometimes but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying different things.

I don’t know if change will ever happen, I’m just stuck.

I’ve been there. Like I said actions speaks loud. A feeling is just a response. It isn’t an action more of a re-action. You want things to change you must act on solving what the problem is. If you’re confused on the issue then find and examine the symptoms that you recognize. Observe/search what triggers them and then make a general outline of the whole situation. Figure out different options to deal/cope/solve each issue. It is at times difficult especially when you’re in a funk. Doing nothing however won’t change anything.