This is goodbye, I'm sorry

I wasn’t going to say goodbye. However something inside me wouldn’t let go otherwise. I guess I just need the world to know why I made this decision. I need you all to know that this was absolutely no one’s fault.

The thing is, in a way, I always knew this was how things would end. I promise you I was never supposed to make it this far. Some people are meant to live and some aren’t. I simply was not.

In making this decision the main thing I am seeking is peace BUT this decision was made peacefully. It brought me peace knowing everything was about to finally end. There was no chaos or crisis this time.

I am sorry for anyone who is hurt by my decision to take my own life. I can promise you all though that you will be okay. The sun will continue to rise even without me.

Please always remember this was absolutely no one’s fault. This was my decision. There was no way of preventing this. No matter what happened in my life, who I became or what I did, this was always how things were supposed to end. I simply chose sooner rather than later to open my arms to the peace I have been seeking.

I am sorry. I love you all. Thanks you, and goodbye.


If this is your choice, and I respect you for it.
But in all honesty, I don’t think you really want to end your life, you just want the pain to stop, and there might be other ways, unless you are terminally ill or something.

That is basically all I have to say about it.

I wish you all the best, and if getting out is the best for you, then I hope you do it in a humane way, for the sake of yourself and those around you.

Kind regards,

Martin / ThatOldDutchGuy

I’m not going to attempt to talk you out of this because I know that’s not going to do any good. However… I do want you to know that you are such a valued member of this community and there are so many people who look up to you. Your loss would hurt so many people inside and outside of this community. I’m so so sorry you’re struggling to the point you think suicide is the only option, but please know, I’m in a similar position. I think about suicide daily - but if you just let the people who care about you help you through, you will manage. Please friend, reconsider this… as I said, I can’t make you change your mind. But I know your loss is going to have a huge impact on so many people. You are worth so much more than this.

Hold fast

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I just want you to know that you are so loved and so valued. You are needed in our community and people will miss you so much.

I’ve been there, I’ve wanted to take my own life, I have even tried. But I promise it’s not worth it. The hurt that it will cause everyone you have ever talked to is way too much. Your family is going to be so heartbroken. I know that t seems like this is the only choice, but I promise you that suicide is never ever the right decision. There is so much more to life that you have yet to see and experience. There are laughs you must have and places you must go. Books to read and movies to watch with friends, sunsets to see and dogs to pet. There is so much that makes this life worth living. I know all Hope seems lost right now, but it is not. I promise. Please reach out to a member of the HS staff, we are here to help you. There are so many resources and tools that are available to help you fight this battle. And you’re not alone. Literally never ever alone in how you’re feeling.

You are so worth it, you are so loved, you are so worth fighting for.

Love much.


This is not a decision that will bring peace. If you need to take one small step in healing go call up a friend and talk to them ask them to come over and stay with you. Sit with your family make sure you are not alone. You need people around you right now.

You are so loved and I hope you can see that this does not fix you. It will hurt others and others will be affected by this. There are so many things you will miss out on in this life. You are so loved and cared for by this community. We wish and want the best for you. We are here for you and want to help.



Hey friend,

Despite what you feel or what you think, you are valued and loved be people, including us. There is no way to know the extent of the impact you have on people. You are valuable, I swear to you! Your life is precious, your life is valuable, your life matters to me! Don’t give up, friend. Don’t go.

There is light, hope, and an end to the tunnel, I promise. I’ve been where you are.

Listen to Levi The Poet’s poem “It’s All Worth Living For.” On Spotify. It helped me a lot.

Grow old with us, friend. Don’t go.


Hold fast.

You have us.

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My dear you know how much I love you.
Getting to know you and seeing your face have made my days so nice. Please do not do this. This is not how your life is supposed to end. Your mind is lying to you. You are meant to live. Suicide is not the answer okay? There are so many days and nights and laughs and tear and cookies and pies that you are meant to experience. I wish I could tell you that I’ll be okay with what you decide because I won’t. My dear please hold on. Please reach out to someone in your family or in your real life. There is help out there for you, there is Hope. Please don’t go.

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Hey Friend,

I know it feels as though nothing anyone can or will say will make things better or even change your mind, but please know that we as a community love and value you. You are worthy of life. Fighting through the pain and hurt this life brings is one of the hardest things to do, but it’s worth fighting for even if it doesn’t seem like it now. We love you.

Hannah Rhodes

I respect your choice, but everyone’s supposed to live. Everyone’s supposed to be happy. Everyone’s supposed to have a purpose.
I know how hard finding your way through life can be, but there is so much out there worth living for.
Even when things aren’t going the way you intended to - there is always a light that never goes out.

Find your own light. I love you


I freaking love your face very much.

I know you can keep hanging on. I know there is still hope for you.

We all believe in you. We are all here for you.

You don’t deserve this pain.

It’s ok to not be ok right now, it’s just not ok to stay that way.

Love you so very much my friend. You are a blessing in my life.


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No one is meant to die early, unless they are cruel, evil, selfish, cowardly, violent trash.

The fact that you posted here not only shows respect for those who care about you and for you, but also is likely to be a cry for help.

Life can get better, even if slowly, and we all have our ups and downs…

Please receive that help! It’s FREE!

Talking you out isn’t really going to help. I just want you to know that you are loved and valued.

Heyo, it’s me again. I hope you read this.
If so I have a bit more for you to read. It’s a bit long, but very worthwhile, as it might be your way out, because I am guessing you don’t really want to die, you just want the pain to stop. So have a coffee, find a quiet place, and read my other post.