This is the story of my struggle with mental illness, and my victory within myself


Yesterday, I found the motivation to want to share my entire story with my community on Twitch. I know that this video is long, and it is a lot to watch, but I hoped by sharing it that other will be inspired to share their own stories, which is what so many of you are already doing here.

This community has helped me grow in so many amazing ways, and I am eternally grateful for each and every one of you. This is me. And I am not ashamed. I am better now because of the things that I have overcome in my life. This is my story. What is yours? I love you all.



Matt I am SO proud of you for stepping out and sharing your story. You are an inspiration to SO many people. Thank you for everything you do for this community and for other people. I love you and Iā€™m so grateful that you are a part of my life.

Hold Fast

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