Want all the abuse and pain to stop

My entire life if been bullied and out in the real world it’s worse. I don’t even want to get out of bed in the morning so I can go to work and get harrassed by everyone there. The pain of mental and physical abuse is to much most of the time. I don’t know what to other than lay in bed thinking about how to make it all stop and for me so far I’ve only found one way and I can’t even do that right.

I suffer from abuse as well, it’s terrible and I’m so sorry you suffer from it as well. It’s not fair and you don’t deserve it. Time heals wounds, I hope that you find the strength within yourself to keep going and show everyone that you’re not going to take it anymore. I believe in you :heart:

Hey @Mark

I’m so sorry to hear that you have experienced bullying when you were younger and harassment now. I’m sure that is incredibly hard, and I’m so sorry.

Thank you for opening up to this community. I’m so glad we can be here for you. I’m sorry that you have been feeling like just giving up, but I can promise you that is absolutely not the answer!
Maybe you could try speaking to your superiors about what you’re experiencing and feeling at work or the HR for you job. You might also look at maybe changing jobs to a less stressful environment. That’s just a suggestion.

Hold fast, we are always here for you.
Hannah Presley