Where Do I Belong?

I Didn’t Know Where I Should Belong Besides In A Dark Cave. It Felt Better Just Being Alone. No One WIll Understand Why But, I’m Not An Emo…I’m A Loner. Casted Amongst The Outsiders And The Outcasts. Not Many Of My Friends Are Like Me With Differences. I Don’t Defy. I Don’t Try. Because Sometimes, My Luck Sometimes Twists The Situation. Everyday, I’d Always Hear When I Go Outside,…“Go Kill Yourself” Or Just, “Your Never Better.” To Be Truthful, I’m Never. I Tried My Hardest But, It Gets To A Point. I’m Never Going To Be. I’d Always Feel That I Belong Somewhere That’ll Be Fine…I Don’t Know Who I Am Either.

Hey @Lonewolf1997,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling with loneliness. First off, I would start by trying to fight back against the thoughts that are telling you to kill yourself or that you’re never be better. You’ll learn to believe whatever you tell yourself, whether it be truths or lies. So, instead of submitting to the lies, fight back by speaking words of truth like, “I can beat this. I’m strong. I’m awesome.”

Are there any social gatherings around your area that you could join so you can meet new people and make new friends? This could help cure the feeling on loneliness too. I hope this helps a little!

Hold fast.

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I am so sorry you are dealing with so much pain and hurt. I know sometimes it feels like nobody will ever understand and too often we are left feeling alone. But friend, I hope that you will keep on fighting because you are so important. You matter. People that tell you these things are full of hurt and lies. I will never understand why someone would want to tell that to someone else. But we have to rise above them. Don’t let these people defeat you. Which is so much easier said than done I know. But their words are not worth allowing to break us down. My heart goes out to you my friend. I know these hurts. Ive been there. It takes a lot to come through it but it is possible. Surround yourself with good and healthy people. Find healthy places to involve in and be around. Find something that feels good to you and channel positive energy there.

You matter my friend. Be good to yourself and hold fast.

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