Why am I still here

I need to die I am 14 and I am done no one would care anyway because I am worthless I am so stupid I wanna jump out of my bedroom window and leave this earth

Hey there @Abi10,
Let me start by saying that you are most definitely not worthless. I know it feels like it, I understand what that feels like. But you’re still young, give yourself time. There are people who I know that are my age or in their early 20s that still don’t know what their purpose is in life, but we all have one. You are worth something , I promise. The time will come in your life when you finally realize what you’re meant for, but you can never experience that if you don’t stay strong and forge ahead.
Stay strong: you are loved



@Danny is absolutely correct here. At 14 you are still very early in your life. I just want to say that you have a purpose and will make a difference in other people’s lives. Try reaching out to your parents and giving them the chance to help you. Let them know how much you are hurting right now. Sometimes you might feel like they don’t care, but it might be that they don’t understand. They might be too involved in other things to notice the clues or you might be hiding it too well. Regardless, you are loved and your life matters. You haven’t given yourself enough of a chance yet. Please reach out again at any time.


Hi @Abi10, I am so sorry you are in so much pain in your life right now. I know everything may seem dark and hopeless but I promise that you are LOVED and VALUED! No matter what you are going through, you are a wonderful and amazing person just the way you are. I believe that with all my heart! These dark times won’t last. You may not be able to see that right now but there will be joy and peace.

We are here for you and we support you! If you have someone close to you, a friend, family member, please reach out to them. Let them know your pain and that you need someone to help you. I know it’s hard. I get it. I have been at that point in my life many times. But I promise you are LOVED. We care about you here and most importantly, God loves YOU!

Stay strong and hold onto hope, these times of suffering will pass.