150 Days Free

Today marks 150 days free from self-harming behaviors. I’m so proud of that. So many days have been fierce and hard-fought…but I’ve made healthier choices.


Gabby! It is so hard to function when you can’t sleep. I have so much trouble getting my brain to shut off so I can rest, and when I don’t get enough rest I tend to feel more depressed than normal.

Brain.fm has been really helpful to me. You can find some videos on YouTube. Or see if you can find some guided sleep meditations. Those have been a game changer for me!

Just know that you are not alone! You are special and loved and important. Keep reaching out here and to people in your life. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way today! :two_hearts:

And way to go! 150 days free is AMAZING!!

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Congratulations, Gabby! Every day is an accomplishment, and 150 days is definitely cause for celebration! This random stranger on the internet is proud of you. :smile::+1: Keep making those healthier choices! You’re doing great! :heart:


Hey @Gabby,

What a victory! That’s truly wonderful. You are incredible!

Thank you sharing this success here. That’s definitely something to acknowledge and celebrate. :partying_face:

Sending tons of love your way. :hrtlovefist:

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Not sure of your current situation, but i am proud of you for 150 days!!! Believe in you. we have our good and bad days, but I am only wishing you the best.

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