"I invite you to share your struggles in the comments, any negative thoughts, feelings or emotions"

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    The past three years of my life have been… hard, to put it lightly. At a certain point I just locked up and refused to feel further because giving myself permission to actually feel the full weight seemed way too overwhelming. So I closed myself off and resigned to being numb. It may have been helpful for a time just to survive, but after years it becomes more than just a routine to get through the day. The numbness becomes part of who you are. It stunts relationships and cheapens every interaction to the surface level.

I had never really been someone who honors their own feelings, and this period of my life dug those roots even deeper. I never could take a deep breath in moments of silence because it was never silent. I could hear myself trapped inside screaming.

It felt like there was nothing that could break the shell I had created for myself. And the reality is: there is no quick fix. It’s been long nights telling friends what I am actually going through. It’s been opening up through lyrics and connecting with people. It’s been years now of therapy. It’s been surrounding myself with family whenever I can. I’ve had to be intentionally willing to share regardless of the lingering deep seated dread that I feel while doing so. In honoring my feelings by sharing them, I’ve come to see them as valid. It has been a long process but I have begun to feel again. A lot of it has been pain, BUT some of it has been hope.

I have had moments lately that when I take a full breath, it doesn’t feel like walls of needles are keeping my lungs from expanding. Moments of freedom. It’s an uphill battle, but now I know there is light at the summit.

I want you to find your light too, and part of that is opening up about what you’re going through. I invite you to share your struggles in the comments, any negative thoughts, feelings or emotions, share them below and tag @heartsupport because when you comment, you’ll receive supportive replies from others who are in this with you. We are stronger together.

@heartsupportwall @heartsupportvets @hsdevtest @hsdevtest2
@tearsontourofficial #wmhd #worldmentalhealthday #wmhd2022 #worldmentalhealthday2022


@amauri.lucas8 olha ai, você conhece esse cara! :raised_hands:t4:

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:camera:: @isitastranger========

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I relate hard to this. Love you and miss you man.

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Love you dude. Miss you a little bit too.

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Spoken from a voice that’s been there for me in my time of need. We’ve all been through it and help each other when they aren’t able to help themselves.

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“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””
‭‭John‬ ‭8:12‬ ‭

much love and respect❤️==

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:heart::fire: we all are so f strong :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

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Love you :heart:==============

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Love and respect you so much! :heart:

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Love you Sean. Like for real dawg. I’m grateful for your time and company. You’ve gone from being the singer of my favorite band, to a living flesh and blood person I can talk to about my situation. You’re always welcome to the same treatment. I’ll do my best to beat this cancer and you keep pushing forward with your struggles. We’ll both come out the other side of this. Thank you for being you and putting this out there. I know more than most how hard it is to make yourself vulnerable and expose our issues. You have a strong community behind you. We got you rat man. :heart:

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one of my favorite people

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Lie down, deep breaths, count to ten, nod your head.

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Sean, I’m praying that God, the source of hope will fill you completely with joy and peace as you trust Him. Love you!! Hang in there!!

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Thank you. :black_heart::black_heart:============

Fantastic album, and thank you for the lyrical content. :fire:

Damn this hit me hard. I struggle with many things in my life, many unplanned obstacles have created waves in the oceans I try to set still. I suppose the biggest one right now is the fact that I’m a musician and have been stuck in a living situation the past few years where I cannot practice and even if I could, I don’t know anybody capable of forming a band. It depresses me because of everything I want to do in life, I can’t. I’m just stuck constantly entertaining what I need to do and never the passions that make me feel at home.

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