HeartSupport_Fans Content #465

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If the holidays are hard for you, you’re not alone. They have historically been hard for me too. Especially last Christmas, last year I felt like the joy of the season was a personal attack. It felt like every Christmas light and “happy holidays” was a reminder of the joy that was absent from my life. My roommate literally turned off Christmas movies when I walked in the room (talk about being a grinch lol) ⁠

It’s hard to be depressed at any time of year, but it’s especially hard during the holidays, because everyone, everything is telling you, that you should be happy. ⁠

Whether the challenge is seasonal depression, the first holiday without a loved one, painful family dynamics, financial stress or end of the year anxiety- the holidays are hard for many. I want to remind you that it’s okay not to be okay. I see you. I was you, and I never believed that I would have a holiday full of joy. It’s okay if this holiday isn’t full of the joy you wish it was, I just ask that you have hope that next year will be better. ⁠

In the meantime my encouragement is to release yourself from the pressure to be joyful, allow yourself to feel all the feelings, share your struggles with those you love, treat yourself with immense kindness, and shut down any voices that tell you that it will be this way forever, because I’m living proof it doesn’t have to be. ⁠

What’s hard about the holidays for you? Share in the comments by tagging @heartsupport and we’ll reply with encouragement. ⁠

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I lost my ex of 5 years a week before thanksgiving 4 years ago. I helped raise her daughter I still see and going to buy presents for her and wanting to buy for her mom is always hard for me


:raised_hands::clap:thank you very much for this reminder. Sometimes the whole “jolly pressure” and “keeping up with (the apparent joy of) the Joneses” is intense and leads to disillusionment

This is gonna be my first christmas without my Dad. Its tough for the whole fam. My daughters first Christmas this year too. We’ll do it for her

Happiness looks good on you Taylor! Way to keep working through it​:clap::raised_hands:

My family is all dispersed now and this will be my first Christmas entirely alone. That on top of multiple aspects of my life being turned on their head is making for a very difficult holiday season

That view! :night_with_stars:=============

You look so beautiful and your dog looks just as happy as you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: