HeartSupport_Fans Content #592

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JT Cavey from @erraband opens up about his struggles with imposter syndrome and feelings of guilt while resting.

What does the high school bully in your head say? Tag @heartsupport and the lies the bully in your head tells you. Our community will respond with support.

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Needed this today. Thank you so much

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Well this popped up right when I needed to hear it. :heart:

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JT is the best, man. Fighting this voice each day with no intentions of defeat🫡

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met JT outside a show and bro had words of wisdom, great man and great band!!

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Amazing man, much love​:heart::heart:

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Love ya bro==============

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@jtcavey love you man :heart:=

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Totally feel that man, I feel like I’m never productive enough. Thanks so much for the insight :heart:

those are the worst! for me, raised in a controlling household makes it so that we keep super high standards and people please more than most. it’s a shit cycle to break!

thanks for sharing and being vulnerable, more awareness means less suffering! #seekyourneed

Have you ever had someone on here that has schizophrenia specifically someone who thinks they are Jesus

You are worth, even if you do nothing. Don’t make your worth depending on how much you work (or anything else). Repeat with me: i do enough, i have enough, i am enough and i have worth, no matter what. :heart: it can be very hard, but the more you try to believe it, the more it works. Treat yourself like you would treat a good friend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yeah. The demons in our heads suck. As a musician transitioning (music isn’t financially stable for me at my point in career) into software development. There is a overwhelming metric fuck ton of pressure and expectation for us in all fields let alone what we put on ourselves. I get what you’re saying too in terms of self standards, and I might be taking a different perspective on what you may have been trying to say, but nowadays there is so much competition/ content out there as musicians.Anyways there’s a lot to be said about this subject matter, and as far as I’m concerned y’all in ERRA y’all are doing super creative and fun stuff compared to most other heavy bands in your class. It’s good to be hard on ourselves cause it’s what drives us forward, BUT it’s also equally important to take inventory and appreciate our accomplishments/ where we are at. All of us need to remind ourselves that it’s ok to spare a bit of grace for ourselves. As overused as this phrase might sound, all good things in life never come easy.

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I remember meeting JT back in 2016 in Chicago. I was there by myself & I remember nervously asking him if we could take a picture together. He grabbed my phone and happily took a selfie with me. He’s genuinely one of the kindest guys I’ve ever met & little did he know I was in one of the darkest places mentally that night until meeting him. A moment I truly will never forget @jtcavey thanks man.

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WOW :exploding_head:
Thank you, @jtcavey :heart:



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I feel this so strongly! Thanks for sharing JT!

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You are enough.==========


Yes 100%, sometimes I feel as if I don’t even deserve good things, good shows, moments, etc, it’s a terrible part of the human condition, glad you tackled it.
Good to know I’m not alone in it.