Ghost of Me by Make Them Suffer - Therapist Reacts on 5/15/23

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Where do you look for validation?? Tag @heartsupport and share in the comments!!



Love y’all===============



It’s not that deep bro===

I start every day at about 5am, make coffee, and listen to either really loud music like Kublai Khan or softer inspired stuff like Future Islands… update my IG pictures with “lyrics” of the day that inspire me to live, and spend a lot of time texting or messaging with my friends who love me bc I don’t have any family support. I reaffirm my will to move forwards and beyond in this fashion daily. Throughout the days I’ll write for a new fanzine, sing to my cat, work on art and obsess over my fashion. Visit my local thrift shop and tattoo shop. I need love all day LOL so I go and make it happen everywhere with everyone. :kissing_heart::two_hearts::heart_eyes::pray::sun_with_face::sparkles:

Oh I forgot: I love meditations with some podcasts like kind of stuff with hardcore people, funny like whatever is CowboyBoys or even comedy with @shaydozer or Chris Rock pretty much black comedians. Also if you’re in Philly, karaoke whenever @singyourlifephillykaraoke goes is always legendary catharsis. :saluting_face:

Hobbies and passions can come and go and even be taken away, and Taylor is totally right about the inside being too scary to look at because it truly is scary and always changing with our passions and emotions, our heart is never reliable. The only thing that is immovable is Jesus Christ, and so that is where my validation comes from.

Jeremiah 17:9
Romans 5:8

I taught myself to face my past trauma when it faces me. I treat my panic PTSD attacks like a child that needs comfort. Personally this has been my greatest accomplishment since my past that was locked away and came to live as Panic PTSD .

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Make Them Suffer :fire::fire::fire:=====

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I mean, it’s been a core belief in western culture that we are what we have. So many of my traumas came from childhood, because my parents had trauma, their parents had it, going back forever. I truly feel it is only now that the status quo is finally changing, and the world will slowly heal. I am in recovery, work with people new to recovery with a focus on trauma, and no matter the background, DOC, years in active use, every story has parallel means. I love that people are bringing so much love and healing and can’t wait for it to continue and spread!

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