Action Plan


Identify a personal goal that you would like to reach.

My goal is to learn PHP, MySQL, ES6, React, React Native, Node, Go, HTML, CSS and get a higher-paying job.

What are the changes you want to create in your life?

I’ll spend 3 hours each day studying and practising code.

What does it look like when you’ve succeeded?

I’ll have considered myself successful when I’ll be able to answer 80% of the questions on StackOverflow in each of the topics.

  1. When do you want it to be done by? Make sure to define a healthy and realistic time line.

I want it to be done by July 2024.


Identify a personal goal that you would like to reach.

My goal is to achieve better work life balance and stability of mind.

What are the changes you want to create in your life?

I’ll spend time studying and practicing DBT. I’ll actively seek help from people who care. I’ll try to trust people more and learn from them.

What does it look like when you’ve succeeded?

I’ll have considered myself successful when I am able to live my life without constant suffering.

  1. When do you want it to be done by? Make sure to define a healthy and realistic time line.

I want it to be done by Jan 2026.


Identify a personal goal that you would like to reach.

My goal is to lose weight till I’m 65kgs and hence control my Type 2 Diabetes.

What are the changes you want to create in your life?

I’ll make intermittent fasting a lifestyle choice. I’ll avoid sugars and carbohydrates. I’ll talk to people who care for me in times of distress so I don’t fall back on junk food for comfort.

What does it look like when you’ve succeeded?

I’ll have considered myself successful when I weigh 65kgs and my HbA1c is ~6.5.

  1. When do you want it to be done by? Make sure to define a healthy and realistic time line.

I want it to be done by Jan 2026.


Identify a personal goal that you would like to reach.

My goal is to be a productive member of the family, financially and otherwise

What are the changes you want to create in your life?

I’ll stop impulse shopping. I will spend responsibly. I’ll focus on clearing off my debt first. I’ll contribute to the household expenses instead of frivulous purchases. I’ll take on as much responsbility as I can. I’ll be sensitive to my parents’ challenges and age. I’ll do whatever I can to alleviate their discomfort.

What does it look like when you’ve succeeded?

I’ll have considered myself successful when I’ll have cleared off my debt, regularly pay a good amount for household expenses and take care of my parents without complain.

  1. When do you want it to be done by? Make sure to define a healthy and realistic time line.

I have no idea.


Wow! What an ambitious Action Plan and I’m proud of you for making it!

V1. Studying all this stuff in order to find a higher paying job is pretty great. 3 hours a day seems pretty good, what can you do to insure that you can have time to study?

V2. This one makes me smile. Studying DBT is very important, so you can learn coping skills. This will give you a better quality of life. I think giving yourself plenty of time for this is important, so your goal of Jan 2026 is very reasonable. I hope that you will reach out here for help when you need it.

V3. Taking care of your Diabetes by loosing some weight is pretty great! It sounds like you have a great plan set out for this.

V4. Impulse shopping is so hard to overcome. It sounds like you have a good plan and I hope that you can stick to it. Impulsiveness is really hard to deal with alone, so I hope you can find some help there. Dr Fox has some great videos that you might want to check out.

Remember that the community wants help support you with your plans. I hope that you will come back and let us know your progress or ask for support. You matter!

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This looks amazing!

Just keep in mind that this can be a lot (e.g., three hours a day practicing code is seriously impressive, especially while juggling these other goals). It could be a good idea to work in “cheat days” (so you can skip a specific number of days if you’re too busy – but make sure to define how many cheat days you get per time period so every day doesn’t become a cheat day [e.g., one per week]).

Thank you again for being here for for sharing these goals. I love them and hope you keep us updated on your progress!

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Hey @solidfix,

Giant :clap: :clap: :clap: for sharing several action plans that are planned for such a significant time. It’s brilliant, well-thought, and so very inspiring to see that you are willing to invest your energy and focus into such significant life changes. Well done also for not trying to tackle it all the same way or with short-term expectations. Time is key, and you can be sure that you have a community of supporters here willing to encourage you through it all.

If I may ask, how is it going for you? Is there one of these plans that you would like to initiate at first (or are already working on)? Or are you trying to integrate all of these as combined habits in your daily life? Would be a pleasure to hear from you, how it’s been so far and how you’re engaging yourself into these.

Super excited for you and definitely rooting for you as well!