AILD Fan #153

My mental illness takes over my mind and makes me feel different. I feel like I’ll never get better.

Hey friend,

I’m so sorry you struggling with a mental illness. It can be really hard sometimes to not feel overwhelmed by this. And learning to live with or work on it can take some time. If you feel discouraged at times, don’t hesitate to come here. There’s a whole community here to bring you some support you in your journey.

You are not different from anyone. You are YOU, and you are a unique individual. There’s no mental illness in this world that will be able to change this fact. Having a mental illness doesn’t make you less than others. You’ve got breath in your lungs. You are truly beautiful just as you are. And you know, we all struggle with something. We all have our difficulties but sometimes it gets so overwhelming and we forget that others aren’t perfect either. I struggle with social anxiety, depression, oversensitivity. Does that makes me weird or different? Not at all.

Be proud of who you are. Be gentle with yourself. You are loved, friend. :heart:

Also I wanted to share this song with you, and I hope it will cheer you up, even just a bit.