AILD Fan #160

My ex thought she was pregnant with my baby, but didnt want me to be in the childs life. I feel like if I talk to my friends I only bring me down. Most nights in my room I stay up overthinking life and my decisions

Hi friend,

Gosh… that’s really tough. I can barely magine how it makes you feel right now. I obiviously don’t know about your relationship, but I’m really sorry she told you that. So I hope, whole-heartedly, that things will get better for both of you and you’ll be able to be part of their life.

For the moment, if you think your friends will be able to understand and bring you some support, talking to them could be worth it. And if it’s not your friends, maybe there are other people in you life whom you trust enough and would be glad to be there for you. Sharing about how you’re doing, especially when you have to face difficulties like this, is really important. Don’t let the fears preventing you to get the support you need. And if you share your vulnerabilities with someone but don’t get the help you’re looking for, know that this community is also here if you, whether it’s on the support wall, Discord or Twitch streamings.

You are not alone. :heart: