AILD Fan #21

I had dreams to be a musical but I end up being a construction worker but I’m one of the best works.

Hi friend,

It can be difficult to match our vocations with a job and those who live exclusively from their passion are sometimes very lucky (…or not). Sometimes our interests change over time or we got unexpected opportunities… However, even if work takes a lot of time in life, and if music is still a pssion for you, I hope you can enjoy it outside of work. It doesn’t stop you from exploring an activity you love, at any moment in your life. :wink:


Follow your dreams. Keep practicing your musical gift. Never give up hope just because your not where you want to be in the moment. Consistency is key, keep following the vision in your mind and follow your heart. It’s the key to all dreams and the universe will provide.

Never give up on what you love. I’m a firm believer in doing what makes you happy! At least you’ve found your passion. I’m still finding mine. Stay strong and keep trying!

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