AILD Fan #32

i’ve been stuck in highschool for longer than i should be. i’m torn between who to love, and my group isn’t the same.

Being stuck isn’t forever. It’s a temporary delay. Keep moving forward and be open to what washes up on your shore. You never know what tomorrow can bring!

Keep your head up, highschool can be tough but you’ll make it, choose friends wisely and rock on!

Hey friend glad you are here at the show I’m at the HeartSupport booth I’m a intern with HeartSupport and wanted to say it’s okay to feel stuck. I struggled through school also and always had this looming feeling of failure was waiting at the corner but what helped me through that was being open to help and asking for it even though I hated asking for help. So let me say it’s okay to ask for help. So please come by so I can give you a hug and say you are not alone in this and there is always hope!

Morgan Hochstetler
HeartSupport Intern

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Hey there friend. My name is John, and I’m helping build HeartSupport’s Houston chapter. I’d love to have you join our community! Email me at [email protected] if you’re interested, and I’ll hope to meet you.