AILD Fan #43

Sometimes I feel like the world requires me to be a certain way then gets mad when I refuse.

Yeah that can be such a brutal catch-22…the world wants us to conform to be accepted to feel loved, but we only feel love when we accept ourselves and express ourselves to reflect who we are…but often times when we try to be expressive, we get rejected…it’s a difficult spot to be in because you’re trying to reconcile who you are internally with who you express externally, and it feels like life keeps you in this state of limbo between rejection and suppression…

I’m sorry you’re in that place, friend. Thank you for sharing here.

I was in the exact same situation a couple years back, that I couldn’t fit in unless I fit a certain mold and I reached a conclusion: if you feel that there’s not a place for you in an environment you feel you belong, make one. You were put on this earth to make a difference, regardless of what society may say. World standards and culture changes on the turn of the dime, but your potential and impact will last forever.