AlenaFenomena Fan #2

I don’t have any friends besides one or two people in real life. And with my health problems I can’t go out much to meet more people to volunteer or go to public events.

Loneliness is a bitch…especially when you feel like it’s not because you chose it…health problems can be so isolating especially because it sucks the life out of your feeling of agency…it feels like the solution to that problem is so out of your control that it feels hopeless to even try to rise against it. I’m sorry you’re in that place friend. I know the pang of loneliness in my own life…I remember having no friends for the first couple years of my marriage, and I hated it. You’re not alone in what you’re feeling…so many people struggle with the same thing. I’m thankful for the two friends you have (though it doesn’t invalidate anything you said, I’m just thankful you have them). Hoping things take a positive turn for you soon.


Thanks for sharing @AlenaFenomena_Fans and I’m sorry to hear what you’re dealing with. For friends I do think quality of friends goes along way in life more then quality. I hope those around you see your value as a friend. I’m sorry that your health doesn’t allow you to volunteer or go to public events. I know this is no replacement for it but it looks like there are options to volunteer remotely Maybe this may be of interest.

Hey friend,

I want to second what Nate said. I’m really glad you have those two friends. I have two friends and my significant other who I’m really close with and other than that, I only talk to a handful of other people. It’s not a bad thing to “only” have two friends as long as those friendships are good one. But I do understand what you mean about being lonely and being/feeling confined. It does hurt, but time will go on and so will you. Hopefully you’ll be able to make some connections, online or in person, with some people.

hold fast
