Am I useless?

Hii can i ask u guys ?
Am I really that useless? :frowning:

I dont really know what im feeling now but its really hurts ,im feeling really useless,i cant express my feeling ,i keep quiet,and its makes me really hurts :(((
And i cant stop blaming myself ,this is all my fault right ? :frowning:


No- you are not useless. Absolutely not. Never let anyone tell you that; I have heard it before, and heard it recently from those who should love me most. Please don’t believe the lie that you are useless, because that is most certainly not the case at all.

We are here for you. We love you. You are awesome.
(Welcome to the HeartSupport community :heart:)


Tysm :pleading_face: thats really mean to me :slight_smile:


It’s the worst to feel like everything in life comes back down to – it’s all my fault…like other people’s pain, their disappointment, their sadness…like that’s all the weight you were made to carry, and to feel every day like you’re failing them, and everyone else, and yourself, and you’re proving yourself to be utterly and completely useless…it’s a horrible experience to have. Then any time you try to help, you’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop where everyone finds out just how useless you really are…

I have a similar fear in my own life, but instead of it being “useless”, it’s being a “failure”…feeling like everyone’s depending on me, like I hold the weight of my world and everyone else’s, and ultimately I’m going to fail, and everyone’s going to see right through me and see that I’m a total failure.

You’re not alone in what you’re feeling.

Also, what you’re feeling isn’t the truth about you. What you’re dealing with is shame. And shame is never true. You aren’t useless or to blame or worthless. You matter, you are unique, you are deserving of love and belonging. And even when experience doesn’t line up with the truth, or your feelings don’t line up with the truth, it doesn’t make the truth any less true. Fighting shame is about fighting those thoughts that you’re useless…choosing to believe the truth even when it feels like the furthest thing from reality.

I am fighting to believe the truth in my life. I challenge you to do the same in yours!!
