Anxious and Overwhelmed 90% of the time

It’s been noticeably worse the past few months. I can still function in my day to day life, but it just wears me out. I’m constantly anxious and overwhelmed. I feel as though I have all of these things to do, and no time to do them. If I have a simple task to complete, it’s on my mind, stressing me out until I get it done. I work full time, and I go to school full time. This is just a lot on my plate. I don’t hate my life. I have a great partner, I bought a house in July, I’m accomplishing things that I want to accomplish, so I feel guilty for feeling the way that I do sometimes.
I know that some of the factors contributing to my overwhelmed feeling and anxiousness is my choice, like going to school on top of work. But I know that if I don’t go, I won’t finish. And It’s important for me to finish my degree. I will always have to work, so there really is no easy way to finish school unless I do it all at once.
I’m a mostly happy person. I don’t show a lot of my anxiousness to those around me, I just know it’s there. And it’s hard to explain how I feel to people who don’t get anxious. People tend to just think I’m being dramatic and brush it off.
I’m not looking for answers really, just some encouragement or similar experiences. Thank you.

First off props to you for juggling work and school. I can relate in general to what your feeling. I know for me planning like other things helps take the chaos out of juggling stuff, like dinner for example. It’s a small thing but my mind feels better knowing that’s all set and planned. This sounds a bit out there but I had a therapist tell me about putting something cold on the back of my neck for acute anxiety and it really helps. Also I downloaded a to do list so to track everything. Not sure if these are helpful suggestions but I thought I’d throw them out there.

Thank you, I appreciate it. I will try that. I’m not on medication for anxiety. I don’t really like to be dependent on things, because I have a lot of substance abuse in my family, so I like trying things first. Of course if it gets bad enough, I won’t let myself suffer, but I appreciate the suggestions.

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