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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Monsters by Shinedown
As a Veteran with PTSD from non military related reasons as well as a mentally traumatic youth this song always hits different. My Monsters are very real and Marine Corps trained killers. So many people in my life have no clue what its like to battle these monsters every day. They see “failures” when my anger rises up, but they fail to realize the muzzle is still firmly in place. I bark loud and ferociously, but I can’t bite until the muzzle is follishly removed. The barking is the warning that they are unbuckling the strap that holds the muzzle in place. I do not want them to face my Monsters out of ignorance as they are in no way shape or form prepared for the Hell those monsters bring with them. They are held in check, but they are jere to stay and they serve a purpose that hopefully never has to be petitioned for their release.
Hello! Battling our Monster’s daily can be extremely exhausting, and I’m glad that you are able to somewhat control them in a way that keeps you from hurting those around you. I think that sometimes finding ways to let things out can also be very important in this struggle though. Channeling our anger, or emotions into healthy outlets can sometimes also be good. That it might be able to help with how exhausting it might be to hold them in, by finding a healthy outlet to let them out in. I’m not sure if you have any outlets like this, but it could be good to try to find one. Whether it be combat sports, or whatever passion/activity you can find that you yourself like. I think sometimes letting it out in healthy ways, can be just as important as holding it in, in the times where it might not be healthy/productive. I’m not sure if I’m helpful in saying any of this, but I hope that your day today is going well, and that you can find some relief to things you struggle with in time. <3