Assault victim

Anyone victim of a serious random assault that has devasted their life because of both disability and criminal activity continued to get rid of you as evidence, I’m so depressed I feel alone even people around me family cannot deal with the violence and police have no advice other than do what you need to. Is there anyone? What do you do? It’s not right or fair to ask me as an innocent person to do this. I’m struggling. Can you offer any advice what would you do?I am interested in all responses as I feel it’s interesting to hear how others would deal with it. It’s not something that will ever I be able to get away from and their is seemingly cult involvement the only thing I can say in support of maybe others is I somehow made it this long I’m reasonably healthy, they haven’t taken my kindness inside or my smile for sincerity but everything else is gone so I’m concerned


Thanks for posting and being here @Elrahs

I spent a long time in school being assaulted physically and it can be so hard when the people closest to us make us feel isolated with their ideas (or lack thereof) on how to deal with it. The fallout can last a long time and it took me a lot of work to move past it. What helped me was distance, people that didn’t have something constructive for me I chose the relationship with and kept them at surface level. The other part is just what you said, they can never take away your kindness and what has truly helped me rise above what I went through was the idea that although what’s happened to me wasn’t my fault I have the obligation to hold on to my kindness, sincerity, hope, and the way I treat others as a result.

Keep hanging on to yourself, your hope, and your sincerity towards others!

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Thanks for responding I agree to be away from the area is best I look forward to the day. I wish you well too take care. I also feel though they have no rights to my life and wHere I need to live. Any day without that part of my life I celebrate it’s just sucks right now hopefully a change soon it’s just been tough and for a minute I feel sorry for myself even though others may have it worse but it’s an awful burden inside and many years I’m ok and strong and all that and one day I’m like to hell with this it sucks I feel I have a right to this minute too but hopefully soon go back to myself i did learn some things

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