Back at it

I’m doing better now that I have put time and effort to do things for me as well as my dad. He has three more weeks on antibiotics and he’s done with them. When I have time I do things I wanna do like read, meditate or watch movies. I even sometimes go for walks with my dog Jack. I’ve been grateful for all the things I can do for my dads healing progress and I’m happy to still have him in my life. There were points where I wanted to give you but I stayed strong and continued pushing forward.


That’s really awesome, RickyP and I bet your father appreciates all the help you’ve given him.

Hey @RickyP,

This is so good to hear. Well done for making room for your needs as well. It’s so important to have times for yourself during which you can breathe, slow down and relax as much as possible.

The help your provide to your dad is truly wonderful. Thank you for doing what you do and thank you for these updates.

You’re loved. :hrtlegolove:

Hey Ricky, That is great news, you have done such a great job and soon you will have time back to yourself to be able to chill and spend time doing the things that you enjoy. I am sure your dad is truly thankful for all that you have done.
You are a really kind hearted son.
Much Love Lisa x

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