Bad News birthday

After speaking with the DA today, they declined to prosecute. The only recourse is revoking my attackers probation as he awaits trail for another assault that happened two weeks ago.

I don’t know how to feel and I’m afraid I’m beginning to dissociate. Not the news I wanted on my birthday


I’m so sorry to hear this. Did they say why they weren’t prosecuting? Is it possible for you to press charges?

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The evidence is too circumstantial for a jury

Hey @Newt_willow,

My heart breaks for you. I’m so sorry they didn’t prosecute. That’s just not how it should be.

Know that your voice is heard right here. We believe in you.

How are you doing since you posted? We’re here to support you, friend. If you need to get things off your chest, please don’t hesitate to do so. You’re not alone.

I’m sending hugs your way. :hrtlegolove:

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