Battling the urge to self harm

Self harm has become so overwhelming these last few days. I’ve recently started a new journey into sobriety, no more alcohol no more drugs. I feel stuck, while the world violently spins around me and I’m standing still. The pain I feel inside, the voices in my mind telling me I’m not worth it… I try to fill my emptiness with relationships that don’t last. Self sabotage, running in the other direction when someone gets to close. I think about ending it all, constant ways to kill my self flood my mind. I can’t stop them. This brings me to self harm, turning the mental into physical pain but it doesn’t work. I can’t feel it. Nobody understands me, and the ones that do are struggling with their own wicked thoughts. I feel so alone.


Hey, thank you for sharing with us.

I’ve been self harm free for 8 months and sober for almost 2 months, it’s really hard when you don’t have an outlet to numb yourself anymore.
It’s really hard I have the same thoughts as pretty much every single day but I try to keep strong and keep fighting on.
What is helping me is therapy , selfcare time and low level meditation… oh and chocolate… and ice cream.

It’s but you’re on the right path!
I believe in you, you’re not alone.


hey @SadBitch ,
you are not alone i once dealt with selfharm im now 2 years clean when it comes to trying to become sober you got to keep fighting dont give in to the alcohol and drugs Let me tell you are some truth , these voices in your head telling you that you arent" worth it" is a lie the truth is you are worth it .ending it all should not be an option . the only option is to fight to tell yourself i can become better i can do this … when you say nobody understands you , i do . i do under stand you and we love you for you … everyone within this community goes through something like you do . dont give up please keep fighting we will be there every step of the way.


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Thank you. Therapy seems out of reach at this point given I don’t have insurance. I got sober almost 7 months ago and yeah… nothing to fall back on. Sleep seems to be my thing these days because I don’t know what else to do.

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Thank you. I’m fighting, just not sure how mich fight I have left in me.

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@SadBitch well keep fighting
giving up is not an answer. keep us updated please.

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Things are getting better. Not sure if it’s the weather change or the fight or the combination of both. I’m alive to see another day, still fighting, still winning.


The weather can certainly help. On gloomy days, it can be hard sometimes to have energy and easy to slip into depressive and hard thoughts. When the sun is shining and the weather is nice it promotes a better mood and more energy. I am glad that you are doing better and still fighting. Good for you.

Keep staying strong friend. You are loved

  • Kitty
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