Broken and lost

I have so much on my plate, from state testing, all the way to just trying to fit in. I joined the track team to have some form of belonging, and to have someone in my family be proud of me, but no one shows up to my meets, it’s always “I’m working”, “your brothers have games”, or "there’s just no time. " it seems my bf and best friend don’t want me around anymore. I feel like I’m in a one-sided relationship, and since I got into one, my best/only friend seems so distant. I know he’s going through some stuff, but it feels like he doesn’t want to talk to me at all. I started having a PTSD attack, normally my dog comes and cuddles with me automatically, but when I went to go get her, she yelped as if I had hurt her. SHE’S TWICE THE SIZE OF ME!!! I feel so lost and broken, I don’t know what to do. I just want to be held and told everything will be okay

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I’m sorry you are not in a good season of your life. It’s temporary. It won’t last. You are not alone. HeartSupport is here with you and for you.

Its going to be okay. Whatever your going through is temporary. You are a wonderful person who deserves love and support. We’re here for you. I know it feels sometimes no one cares but people do actually care. I want you to know that you are not alone. Everyone has to fight their own battles one way or another.