Came-for-the-reaction-and-to-click-away-to-the-nex - 1178

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Came for the reaction and to click away to the next vid aimlessly.

Ended up watching the entire video and learning how to better myself by not picking random things I like from other people. I am very self-loathing but I’m on a mission to improve myself and find happiness (not just acceptance) with who I am. This helped, so thank you for that.

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I love this. Thank you so much for engaging with it - it’s powerful to stumble upon a mirror into our own minds…to realize - yeah, I definitely do that. I end up hating myself because I like something in someone else - so meta, but when we stop to think about it, it happens all the time. And to call it out, to say - woah, I’m doing that? And I can CHANGE that?! Empowering. Glad that you found something that’s pointed and helpful for you. And appreciate you opening up. I can relate - and struggle with the same. But there’s something really powerful about learning new ways of relating to others - blessing / admiring / being inspired by the good in them. It changes us. Glad to be on the journey with you.

Love that this content has been something inspiring to you and has resonated with your heart. It’s nice every once in a while to see something that gets us out of the aimless scrolling :smiley: The words you’ve used to describe your intention and journey are so very powerful too. There’s definitely a difference between seeking happiness versus pure acceptance. It’s like different steps of a same process, both necessary, but one can’t be the end result. You definitely deserve to live and not only exist, to embrace all that life has to offer to you, to seize joy and beauty around as well as within you. It’s so powerful to see that this is the path you decide to be on. It’s all these little steps every day that make a big difference. I wish you well on this journey and am surely rooting for you.