Constantly In Pain and Distraught

I haven’t made a post in a while because I thought I was doing well. Well, this morning, I had a bad flare up (I am being tested for Crohn’s Disease) And I am absolutely saddened. I also lost my job a few days ago, and I now think I have to sell my car because I’m putting more money into it then its worth so I’m really stressed out and overwhelmed with everything that’s happening and I just don’t know where else to go.



I’m sorry you are going through a bad season. Just letting you are loved by this community and God. You’ll figure things out soon. Love yourself.

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Hey @SageTheSpirit,

It’s good to see you. :heart:

I’m so sorry you’re going through this, friend. That’s a lot to handle at the same time. Feeling sad and overwhelmed in such circumstances is totally understandable. It’s like having this wave of hardships that comes to you suddenly and affects several aspects of your life, and you just try to catch your breath as you can. It will take some time to process and adjust to those changes in your life, but you’ll get through this tough season, friend. And through all of this, we’ll still be by your side. You’re not alone. :hrtlegolove:

I hope you can take care of yourself today, as much as possible. One step at a time, okay? :hrtlegolove:

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