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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Save Me by Jelly Roll
Currently battling addiction. Alcohol, nicotine, and even weed I want to quit. Right now it’s not terrible, but around the end of April this year I was drinking from the moment I woke up, until I fell asleep that night. One night, I get a call from my step sister. My father had attempted to take his own life. He succeeded as a few days later he succumbed to his injuries. Now, only a few weeks ago, my step mother, and fathers wife, passed from cancer. Me and my father share our alcoholism so Jelly Roll has been huge for me recently. I really hope I can make it through these times, but Jelly always gets me out of a sad funk.
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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans
This song “Save Me” by Jelly Roll is a song that about struggling with addiction and feeling helpless. Sometimes we need to accept what we feel instead of holding in this fear that inside of us with alot going on around us and turning to these things looking to numb our pain. But finding way out of it is your best way out. Heartsupport is that small steps to getting out of it we are here for you to build that foundation. You may be stuck but there always that light in the darkness so keep pushing through the dark pathway and create that path of peace. You’re not alone in you’re struggle and heartsupport is here for you.
Oftentimes, when tragedy hits we don’t know what to do or who to talk to. I am proud of you for taking the time to write us and opening yourself up. It’s an important first step to talk about how your feeling. I’m terribly sorry to hear about everything your going through, and I am with you in your grief and we are here for you. I am glad Jelly’s music gives you some of that relief that you need during this time. Please continue to write us if you need it and I wish you nothing but the best, especially now. You are not alone!
Everything you’ve been through this year has been so difficult. While you were going through your own dark times, you lost two parent figures. Suicide and cancer are both devastating. And seeing that you share the same struggles as your father, it would make sense to worry that you may end up life him. It can make you think that it’s only a matter of when, that it’s unavoidable.
It may be a life-long struggle, but your story doesn’t have to end the same way. You are able to recognize that your struggles, which is the first step to finding the help you need when you are ready. You can find a community like HeartSupport to connect you to people who have experienced and understand your struggles.
It’s a good thing to find music like this one that really gets you, that it can help you get out of that sad funk. I hope you keep finding music that lifts your spirits.
Hold Fast.
I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through, what you’re going through. So much loss in such a short amount of time can make a person feel like they’re completely lost at sea with no land in sight. It makes sense to feel like you need something to dull the pain. It means a lot that you are reaching out about this. It means that you want to find a way to solid ground. I believe in you. We here at HeartSupport believe in you. You can do it.
Losing your father and stepmother in such a short time is incredibly tough. I’m so sorry you’re going through this dark period. I assure you there is light and a happy hello down the road, so please hang in there. It’s important to acknowledge the progress you’ve already made, even if it feels small right now. Reaching out here takes courage and strength! You got this!
This month marks 11 years of sobriety for me, it’s truly one day at a time and not getting stressed over what may or may not happen next week or next month. Also, it’s ok to fall, tomorrow is another day, it’s not easy though it is worth the fight. When it feels like you’re not going to make it, hang onto the thought that there are people who care about you, love you, understand what you’re going through, and you’re NOT alone. It’s ok to reach out for help, I found it helpful confiding in my older sister and then taking the awkward step to contact a therapist to discuss the underlying causes that were the root to my addiction (grateful to her).
You are stronger than you realize and can get through this! Thank you for opening up here and please continue to, we’re here for you, friend!
Be kind to yourself,