Daily Battle with Depression and Anxiety

Hey everyone! This is my first post here. I have been dealing with depression and anxiety for a long time. I attempted suicide on September 10, 2014. Luckily I was unsuccessful. For some reason, I wrote something a few hours ago about my daily battle with depression and anxiety. I have never written anything ever before. I would like to share it with anyone who is interested. Maybe it will help other people. I don’t know. Please let me know if anyone would be interested in reading it and how I can post it here. Thanks guys and keep fighting! You are worth it!


Hi friend! I’m glad you decided to post and share! You definitely should share your story if you want to! :heart:️ I’m glad that you are still here with us today.

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Hey Jarnett,

I just want to say thank you so much for reaching out on the forums. I want you to know that you are loved, and valued, and that your life and story really do matter. I just wanted you to know that you reaching out has been an encouragement to me, as I too struggle with depression and anxiety daily, and it really makes me feel not alone.

I’m so glad that you are still here today to share your story. I would love to hear more about your story. If you feel comfortable feel free to make another post with your story, and I would love to read and respond to it. Your story matters and your life matters! You are loved my friend, don’t ever forget that!

Hold Fast, You’re Worth It,

This is part 1 of my daily routine. Please read and let me know if you guys go through the same thing.

It’s 9:00 pm on any random Tuesday night, the kids are asleep, and the day is over. It’s time to relax and do the things that you want to do. In my case, I like to play guitar, watch TV, play video games, and hang out with my wife. Except no, I can’t do that. Why? Because I am mentally and physically exhausted. My daily chore has worn me out. No, my chore is not my job or my family. My chore is making sure I keep my depression and anxiety in check so that I can be the person that everyone needs me to be.

My job requires me to be friendly and attentive every day. No problem. I can do that. I must maintain my focus, so I don’t mess something up that could make the company or myself look bad. They don’t put that pressure on me. I put that pressure on myself. My depression expects me to screw something up. My anxiety makes me think that I already screwed something up, even though I didn’t, and someone is going to find out about it. For at least 8 hours a day, this is what happens. It’s an exhausting every day battle and I struggle getting out of bed and putting my “armor” on to fight it. But I do it. I win the first conflict by just getting up and going to work. I must win this one. If I lose this first conflict, this day’s battle is lost. Remember, this has nothing to do with the job itself. It’s all in my head. Thanks depression!

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Sending love your way friend. I’m proud of you. You are absolutely amazing