Darleeng Fan #6

I feed off of positive & negative energy. My parents don’t fully support my choices for my happiness. I currently can’t talk about what’s on my mind, it hurts.

I’m sorry you feel like you aren’t supported and that you can’t speak your mind, and it’s okay to hurt. We love you no matter what choices you make, and there are plenty of other people who do too. You are loved, friend. You matter.

while parents are the foundation for a functional human being, they are just that, the start. you create your own paths in life past a certain point and once you become independent you can fully express your fan! much love darleeng fan #6 !

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I too feed off of other’s negative and positive energy.
I’m really sorry that your family doesn’t support your choices. Just know that you are always welcome here. No judgement. You can talk under an anonymous username so that nobody will recognize you and we will try our best to listen and support you.

I hope that you are able to find strength and healing my friend. We care. You matter.

  • Kitty