Day 18 (ending)

I’ve come to realize now that the relationships that the ripple effect I’ve had on everyone,that I’ve come in contact with, while drinking has caused a lot of stress with me and I’m a little overwhelmed with the fact that I’m sober now. with all these like racing thoughts and everything that’s going through my head, that professional help is definitely needed. This relationships that I’ve gained now that I’m sober I feel myself being very grateful for who I’ve been around and who has been there for me. All I want to do is better myself now and understand that something greater is going to happen for me I do believe that now. I’m just hung up about returning home I’m worried about my mother. I’m worried about all these things .and that maybe I should just need calm down and live in the moment that I’m in now. it’s hard to revert my thinking back to why I’m here today


You’re doing so well, keep going friend.

There will be new issues and worries that pop up, just take them slowly. Make a list maybe, and tackle the most pressing or serious one first, or the one that is easiest?
Professional help is always a good thing for additional support.

Proud of you for powering through :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for the reminder it means more then expected.

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Hey @Ryan1,

There is somehow a part of grief in this process of yours, and as you are now learning to see things differently, without the veil of alcohol, then your heart may need to create some closure for all the things you could regret. It’s uncomfortable to acknowledge all of this and creating change just as you do. But still you are doing so good, Ryan, and you are surely on a right path. Now you’re allowing yourself to learn from your experiences, little by little, and acknowledge more and more what you don’'t want in your life anymore. That’s very powerful, and it will keep being a strength throughout this journey of yours.

Keep going. You are loved. :hrtlegolove:

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