Depression is back

I have been used when I was a child. I was 12-13 that time. I suffer from various types of anxiety since then. During my 20’s I started doing drugs and alcohol. I am clean for 3 years now. The thing is depression visits me from time to time. Atm I am struggling with suicidal thoughts and trying to stay away from drugs and alcohol.

First of all, congrats on being clean for 3 years! That is an amazing accomplishment! Also, are you involved in any support groups, like a 12-step group (AA, NA, Celebrate Recovery)? If so, do you have a sponsor? They can be a great resource when you’re trying to stay clean. Recovery is a lifelong process, and it really helps to have people in your corner who understand exactly what it’s like to be where you are. And I think anyone who’s been through what you have would be feeling what you are. But look how far you’ve come. Look at what you’ve made it through. You are a survivor. You’re so brave for continuing on through the darkness. Keep holding on. Keep reaching out when you’re struggling.

As an ex addict I want to say a huge congratulations on being clean for 3 years! That’s an amazing achievement! I found that drinking a glass of water every time I had a thought of alcohol really helped. Try finding something to occupy your mind. Try to break the habit. I swear by the saying: ‘To break a habit you must make a habit’.

Like Jessaphobia said, You’re a survivor! You’re strong! You got this, friend.

I am trying to reclaim wasted years. This year I started college. I also completed therapy and lowered dose of medicines to minimum. I understand how long process of recovery can be. I have learnt how to live with OCD. I am grateful for every response here and support.

hi friend,
I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. please know that you are heard here and we care about you. we love you and we believe in you. please stay strong. you got this: )